In my search of feeling complete, I’m proud to give my official pregnancy announcement! It’s exciting and terrifying all at the same time but deep down inside, it’s what has been missing from my life. In general, I’m a private person…especially when it comes to family. However, part of the promise to my readers is to share more of my life with you all. For the remainder of my pregnancy, I will gladly post updates not only to share but to hopefully comfort other soon-to-be mothers.
My husband and I are over the moon about this news. What an adventure it will be! I’m currently 23 weeks pregnant and in my second trimester. We announced publicly at the halfway mark, 20 weeks. Of course, our families knew but I wanted to be well into the pregnancy before we went public. Many of you might not wait that long to announce but here are a couple reasons we did:

Pregnancy Belly 20 Weeks
Shock Value: Make the Pregnancy a True Surprise!
We really wanted to ‘wow’ our friends, what better way than to show up with an obvious belly. We were flooded with questions from so many of our friends and family and we wanted to be prepared with answers we were comfortable with. For my own reasons, I needed to have a few check-ups with my doctor because I was still in disbelief that this was really happening!

Pregnancy Glow
Bonding With My Husband
There are only a few moments like this in your lifetime and I wanted to enjoy this one with just the two of us. It was our little secret that we got to smile, laugh, and cry about. We thoroughly enjoyed all of the little white lies that we had to come up with as well. Food poisoning, antibiotics, diet…you name it, we gave you an excuse not to drink.
I hope many of you join me on this journey of love and life. For your enjoyment, I’ve included my recent Life Update youtube video that talks more about my pregnancy and features a surprise guest (Hint: It’s my husband!!!) Click on the video to watch now and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel so that you never miss another video!
Do you have a fun pregnancy announcement story to share? Tell me about it in the comments below.